Thursday, October 31, 2019

Product Life Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Product Life Cycle - Essay Example growth stage where the product sales begin to grow and a lot of advertising happens at this stage, in this stage new innovations can be introduced in the market to gain an edge over other rivals and to increase the market share of the product. The third phase is the maturity stage where the growth in sales declines, the income at this phase if relatively stable, how this stage is handled is vital to the success of the business and the last stage in the life cycle is the decline phase where sales begin to decline (Giordano, Mathieu & Villeneuve, 2010).. Each of the four phases have different impact on the brand, in the introduction stage, promotion of the product will improve its acceptability in the market and in the growth stage advertisement of the product creates awareness of the product therefore increasing the sales. In the maturity stage, differentiating the product from other brands will ensure sustainable and consistent sales while in the decline stage, the price of a product will be a key factor in determining whether it stays in the market or is pushed out of the market and firms should aim at cutting costs (Richter,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Fate and free will Essay Example for Free

Fate and free will Essay Fate is described as the power that determines the outcome of events before they occur, while free will is the act of freedom towards a decision. Oedipuss fate was determined before he was born, yet he took it into his own free will to end up the way he did.  The role of fate was simple; Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. Oedipus tried to prevent his fate by running away from his alleged parents, but the gods would still cause a catastrophe in Oedipuss life. The powers of the gods determined the events that occurred, such as, him marrying his actual mother and killing his father. One example of Oedipuss free will was the fact that he took it upon himself to travel from Corinth to Thebes so that he would not have the opportunity to kill his adopted father and marry his adopted mother. Another example of Oedipus showing free will arose when he killed Laius. He could have let Laius pass without any confrontation but instead killed him over who would pass in the street first. This caused a lot of turmoil in Thebes and nervous tension in Oedipuss life. Oedipus utilized his free will by not listening to people who told him his fate; for example, when Tiresias told Oedipus his fortune, that he would kill his father and marry his mother, Oedipus immediately brushed him off and condemned him. Before Oedipus stabbed his eyes out, he proclaimed, you shall not see me nor my crime, not see my present shame, go dark for all time blind. He took it upon himself to thrust his eyes out. He did this because he couldnt bare the shame of his life and he did not want to see what h is life would transpire to be. While the outcome was predetermined, Oedipus used his free will to determine how the events leading to the outcome would happen. The gods knew what would happen to Oedipus in the end, but did not take it upon themselves to make it occur. The act of Oedipus actually killing Laius, his real father, and marrying his mother, was his act of free will even though the outcome of the event was already predestined. While Oedipus tried to find out his true identity and find the killer of Laius he only tried to prevent his downfall once, in the beginning of the play and that was by leaving Corinth to get away from his assumed parents. During his reign he did not try to prevent his downfall. If he wanted to prevent his ruin he could have found out the truth secretly or he could have taken it upon himself to look for Laiuss killer or he could have kept the news to himself and no one would have ever known. In conclusion, fate and free will took place in the play. The gods knew what would happen to Oedipus and however Oedipus determined him self is how it would occur. It leads to wonder if our lives are head by free will or fate or if they go hand and hand.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ways to Prevent Human Trafficking | Essay

Ways to Prevent Human Trafficking | Essay Throughout the world today, a silent plague has been sweeping the nations. Although it may be more prevalent in third world countries, its presence also roams the streets of more progressive nations (Kelly, 2001). According to the Bureau of Public Affairs of the United States Department of State (2004), human trafficking is modern-day slavery, involving victims who are forced, defrauded or coerced into labor or sexual exploitation (para. 1). Anti-trafficking initiatives are already in place and, while this may be a step in the right direction, it cannot be denied that more needs to be done. Because human trafficking is a worldwide predicament, government and non-government organizations must strengthen their initiatives and extend these efforts to create and to implement laws that would reduce trafficking, improve the lives of the victims, and make the community more aware of this inhumane act. In relation to this, the purpose of this research paper is to provide the reader with sufficient information on the different efforts of government and non-government organizations (NGO) to abolish human trafficking. In addition, suggestions on the improvement of these existing programs are also tackled. Lastly, the goal of this paper is to raise awareness about human trafficking as an intolerable crime. In order to reach these objectives, extensive research on the causes and effects of human trafficking was done. Aside from this, the researchers also examined various anti-trafficking efforts all over the world and the needed measures for the total abolishment of human trafficking. A Heart of Steel Human trafficking clearly violates numerous human rights, particularly those pertaining to personal freedom. It can be considered a modern form of slavery because, aside from the fact that victims are bought and sold like commodities, they are subjected to forced labor that ranges from manual work in sweatshops to prostitution in brothels (Sharma, 2001). Women and children are mostly the victims of this horrendous crime. Across international borders, it has been estimated that 600,000 to 800,000 men, women, and children are trafficked, and the number is only getting higher. 70 percent of these trafficked individuals are women and 50 percent are children (Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons of the United States Department of State, 2004). On one hand, women serve as domestic workers, prostitutes, and mail-order brides to abusive employers or husbands without their full consent. Children, on the other hand, become pitiful victims of sexual exploitation and child labor. Despite receiving promises of well-paying jobs and legitimate employment from their recruiters, the victims find themselves in a constant state of abuse and helplessness under their employers (Kelly, 2001). The control their employers have over them can be attributed to two things. The first is debt bondage, wherein victims pay off the amount their employers paid for them through forced labor. They receive no pay or little pay until the money has been reimbursed. When they are able to pay it off, they are informed that they have incurred additional debts through lodging, food, and other expenses. In some cases, the victims are told that the money is being held for them or sent to their families back home (Kelly, 2001). Because they do not directly receive the money, they are unable to escape from their jobs. The second factor trapping the victims is the lack of legal documents needed in order for them to flee. Most of the victims have been transported through illegal means, including falsified documents and passports (Kelly, 2001). This makes it impossible for them to contact the authorities and to ask for help, in fear of being seen as illegal immigrants and being deported to their home country shamefully. Also, upon arrival at their destination, recruiters and employers confiscate whatever documents the victims possess and forbid them from contacting anyone, including members of their own family. Deprived of any means of escaping, they are forced to continue with their work, no matter how deplorable the conditions may be. Because of their powerlessness, they are left vulnerable to many forms of abuse (Bureau of Public Affairs of the United States Department of State, 2004). Domestic workers are prone to physical and sexual abuse. Several of them report that they have been battered, sexually assaulted, and raped (Cheung, Karlekar, De Dios, Vichit-Vadakan, Quisumbing, 1999). Prostitutes recall being verbally abused, being assaulted, and being forced to have intercourse against their will. Since they have no control over the sexual acts they will perform, they are often brutalized by their customers (Kelly, 2001). They are unable to refuse because their pimps or managers beat them up or threaten to stop sending money to their families once they do so (Sharma, 2001). In children, they are beaten up, molested, and sometimes, forced into child pornography or prostitution (Katsuma, 2001). Even after the ordeal is over, trafficked victims continue to carry scars from their horrifying experiences. Women who once worked as prostitutes end up with unwanted pregnancies or, worse, HIV/AIDS (Sharma, 2001). Aside from this, child laborers are severely malnourished and suffer from various respiratory infections and diseases as a result of exposure to toxic fumes in factories. The children have underdeveloped intellectual and mental capacities, not only because of the lack of education, but also because of exposure to an environment not fit for their age. Trafficking victims are often psychologically damaged, left with a feeling of inferiority and a low self-esteem (NGO Group for the CRC Sub-Group on Child Labour, 2002). Trafficking and the Mafia Aside from human rights violations, trafficking is a major global concern because of its contribution to the growth of international organized crime. According to Salt (as cited in Bruckert Parent, 2002), because human trafficking involves source, transit, and destination countries, it requires considerable amounts of money, connections to powerful people in many countries, and good organization, in order to be carried out successfully. Aside from this, the routes used for trafficking are the same as those used for the drug trade, and it is a known fact that the drug trade is controlled by these criminal groups. All these establish and support a link between human trafficking and international organized crime. In fact, several criminal groups have been reportedly involved in human trafficking activities. Chinese triads traffic women from Russia and the Ukraine into brothels in Macao and Hong Kong (Ovchinsky, 2007). Also, the highly notorious Russian mob smuggle women from the former Soviet Union into Israel, sometimes using them to hide weapons that they are smuggling as well (Israel- A Human Trafficking Haven, 2004). Despite these facts and reports, it remains hard for authorities to apprehend traffickers because of the clandestine nature of human trafficking itself. Even illegal recruiters who run small-scale operations in rural areas are hard to track because they can easily disguise themselves as acquaintances of the family of the victim. Also, human trafficking is made possible by political corruption. Recruiters may initiate the process, but the furtive transfer of the victims from one area to another requires some sort of conspiracy between the traffickers and certain authorities. Traffickers are known to bribe government officials in order for them to pass through the borders and for the falsified documents to be disregarded. For example, in Bosnia, local immigration officials were reported to have received free sexual services from prostitutes in brothels in exchange for deliberately ignoring the fact that these women were trafficked (Agbu, 2003). Working Things Out Actions done by governments and non-government organizations have greatly reduced trafficking and have protected those most susceptible to it (Bureau of Public Affairs of the United States Department of State, 2004). Just by beginning with rural areas to local urban communities where human trafficking is egregiously present, different government and non-government organizations (NGOs) have shown concern regarding this issue by implementing ordinances and laws to serve as a halt to the mentioned illegal deed. Both international and national laws have likewise been passed to stop human trafficking. In view of the fact that trafficking is an international social predicament, plans made by governments for protection and prevention have been well-promulgated among societies. Nevertheless, people who are of full-knowledge regarding the laws and its impact on culprits and still choose to infringe it may be punished depending on the gravity of lawbreaking. Given that children and women are surveyed to have the most number of trafficking cases, most international efforts give much attention and focus to such cases. The United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children aims to establish a clearly defined international standard regarding trafficking cases (Raymond, n.d.). The United Nations (UN) provides a comprehensive account of the many challenges facing the international community and of the joint ongoing efforts to find solutions. This action by the UN (2000) towards the prevention of human trafficking upholds that effective action to prevent and combat trafficking in persons, especially women and children, requires a comprehensive international approach in the countries of origin, transit and destination that includes measures to prevent such trafficking, to punish the traffickers and to protect the victims of such trafficking, including by protecting their internationally recognized human rights (p. 2). Also, governments have implemented measures to provide for the physical, psychological, and social recovery of trafficked women and children, including, in appropriate cases, the cooperation of NGOs, other relevant organizations, and other elements of civil society. An example of the aforementioned organizations includes the International Labour Convention (ILO). The ILO recognizes the newly approved law of Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act or RA 9231. This law eliminates the worst forms of child labor such as slavery, prostitution and pornography, drug trafficking, and any work that is hazardous to the health and safety of children. By any violation to this law, a person will automatically be imprisoned, the length of time depending on how grave the trafficking act is (Establishments employing children warned, 2005). At the present time, most third-world countries implement a kind of judicial reform that would allow victims to demand strong penalties for the traffickers-enough to provide deterrence to an extremely profitable criminal activity. The Anti-Human Trafficking Law of the Philippines allows victims to take action against traffickers. Basically, this law not only provides the right for victims to decide on how grave the chastisement they want the traffickers to go through, but also the assistance, recovery, and rehabilitation of trafficked victims from their traumatic experience under these criminals. This way, the Anti-Human Trafficking Law does not only reduce the number of trafficking cases, but also alleviates the pain caused by this crime to its victims (Solidarity Philippines Australia Network, 2003). A Victims Plea International and local groups have been established to specifically combat human trafficking. Different governments and NGOs have come up with departments that can help stop human trafficking. In the Philippines, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) launched a National Family Violence Prevention Program where families are informed about the rights of women and children as well as the necessary actions to protect them. To prevent trafficking in children, social workers have been posted at the airports to monitor the travel of children abroad. As to NGOs, GABRIELA, which is the national alliance of womens organizations in the Philippines, is actively involved in massive awareness campaigns to prevent the trafficking of women and girls from the country along with the National Commission on the Role of the Filipino Women (NCRFW) who has been aggressively advocating policies and programs to stop trafficking in women and children, foremost of which is the enactment of a n anti-trafficking bill into law (Espada, 2003). In addition to that, an anti-human trafficking confederacy such as the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women works with international policymakers and human rights advocates to promote womens rights and to stop human trafficking (Kelly, 2001). In this case, laws and ordinances do not only cover local communities nor nations as a whole, but also includes international or world-wide policymaking. With the help of the UN and other global federations, a basic notion of equity in terms of policies and laws can be implemented among nations. Moreover, under local cases, the Visayan Forum Foundation raises awareness about trafficking in the Philippines and provides halfway houses for trafficked victims (Odronia, 2008). Awareness about the effects of trafficking among its victims and the consequences that traffickers may go through is a vital aspect for the organization. Averting an Unambiguous Malfeasance Because human trafficking in not yet completely abolished, there is a need to improve existing programs and to create new ones that are more efficient and comprehensive. Kelly (2001) asserts that, since human trafficking is a major global concern, there is a need to develop a legal framework with appropriate penalties, which provides redress for all the ways in which traffickers and exploiters violate womens human rights and is effective in prosecuting these crimes (p. 35). Furthermore, she stresses the need to improve on current anti-human trafficking initiatives, suggesting that, including measures directed at the young men who recruità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and daring to target demand, at home and abroad, would be a radical and welcome step (p.35). The government should also see to it that the criminals involved in these crimes get the right punishment. There have been incidences wherein the government has turned a blind eye to these issues, therefore making the existing laws ineffectual. Despite the existence of laws, trafficking remains widespread particularly because of the corruption and the indifference of government officials (Sharma, 2001). A single policy will not be able to solve the problem entirely, but it will greatly contribute to the solution. In addition, combating problems such as crime, poverty, migration, labor, mental health, and law enforcement, should also be part of anti-trafficking initiatives, as these problems are related to and often lead to trafficking (Sharma, 2001). By addressing these issues and finding solutions to them, there would be a lesser need for people to resort to illegal means such as human trafficking. Awareness vs. Oblivion Bringing awareness to the people about anti-human trafficking initiatives should also be one of the main concerns of these government and non-government organizations. As Sharma (2001) stated, public awareness campaigns are imperative to bring issues of sexual trafficking before the public in order to stimulate community based support (p. 49). It is important to a society to have citizen cooperation because without this, more people become vulnerable to becoming victims of these illegal and degrading crimes. Traffickers capitalize on their victims ignorance and desperation to get out of poverty. As a matter of fact, poverty is the leading cause of human trafficking. Because of poverty, people are deprived of the essential education that they need to acquire jobs (Cheung, Karlekar, De Dios, Vichit-Vadakan, Quisumbing, 1999). These people end up considering illegal options, and human trafficking is one of them. This does not just pertain to the victims, but the traffickers themselves. They take advantage of those people who are willing to work and deceive them with false promises of legitimate employment. The victims, seeing no other alternative and completely unaware of the possible consequences, succumb to the lures of migration and find themselves in forced labor or slavery-like conditions (Kelly, 2001). Because of this, local governments, especially in rural areas, should educate the citizens on how to recognize human trafficking and what to do when faced with such an ordeal as they cannot be proactive if they are not well-informed about the situation (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, n.d.). This can be done through various forms of media such as infomercials, documentaries, print media, and the like. These forms of media can serve to inform the viewers about the telltale signs of human trafficking and to promulgate existing laws in order to deal with the increasing number of human trafficking cases. As a matter of fact, various NGOs and other groups have utilized the media in order to spread vital information about human trafficking. The Save the Children organization has worked with networks for the broadcasting of television segments containing hotline numbers of various anti-trafficking organizations (Anti-Sex Trafficking Organization, 2005). Under local cases, the Phil ippine Overseas Employment Agency has released an anti-trafficking infomercial airing on local TV networks (United States Department of State, 2007). Aside from this, the different anti-human trafficking campaigns should have full support and cooperation from the government in order for them to be as effective and well-spread as possible (Kelly, 2001). These campaigns are mostly needed in more rural areas of a country since most of the victims come from these areas. As stated earlier, these people are usually desperate to get out of poverty that they do not know the true nature of this horrendous felony. Hand in Hand: A Conclusion The eradication of human trafficking cannot be done overnight. Even the toughest anti-trafficking legislation will be ineffective without the support it needs. This is why programs by both government and non-government organizations call for global cooperation and local participation in order for the complete abolishment of human trafficking to be achieved (United Nations Population Fund, n.d.). Human trafficking is an issue that needs to be addressed because, aside from the fact that it perpetuates crime all over the world, it severely damages the lives of its innocent victims. Measures to reduce trafficking have been taken by governments and non-government organizations, and these include the creation of both international and national anti-trafficking laws and programs for the prevention of trafficking and rehabilitation of trafficking victims. However, it is evident that more needs to be done. Aside from having more aggressive campaigns against human trafficking, raising awareness for prevention should be at the forefront of all anti-trafficking initiatives. With an activity as clandestine and as lucrative as human trafficking, it may appear that the battle cannot be won. Initiatives taken to eradicate trafficking have only been successful in reducing it. However, in the 19th century, slavery was abolished worldwide. If it has been done once, then surely it can be done again. With the needed support from the international and national level, the dream of abolishing trafficking may soon be realized. Effects of IPods on Childhood | Annotated Bibliography Effects of IPods on Childhood | Annotated Bibliography Are iPads healthy or poisonous apples in early childhood? Have we ever thought there was too much technology at early years? In the past few years, technology has developed rapidly. Electronic devices have been applied everywhere. Since the launch of iPad in 2010, it has become increasingly popular in early-years learning. Nowadays in early age, children are more accessible to the iPad devices than ever before. Parents are buying them for their children and allowing them to use freely. They consider iPad as their â€Å"electronic nanny† which engages the child throughout, allowing parents more free time for themselves. They believed that iPad is not only harmless but also function as an educator to their children, pushing their technological intelligence to the next level. As a teacher, I am often asked by the parents to recommend some educational apps, which could help their children learn at home. In my opinion, the existence of latest mass communication media symbolizes the rapid advancement of our modern world. This breakthrough enhances the convenience of sharing and searching information amongst the children. Media exposure enriches their knowledge in terms of life quality. However, the British leading psychologist Dr. Aric Sigman indicated ‘‘Children should be banned from using computers until they are 9 years old because the early use of technology is destroying the development of their intelligence.’’ (2010, British Dailymail) Furthermore, the recent report of Singman’s relevant research pointed that using electronic equipment for long period of time would affect children’s attention as well as their social skills. In addition, a child who watches the popular 3D movies frequently would affect his/her perspective development. Based on Sigman’s view, I have the urge to read more literatures, and thus explore the impact of technology usage on children in early years. Annotated Bibliography Bandura, A. (2001). Social cognitive theory of mass communication. Media Psychology, 3(3),  265-299. doi:10.1207/S1532785XMEP0303_03 Bandura promoted the concept of â€Å"social cognitive theories†. In this article, it focuses on discussing the increasing role of the media and the effects of modeling. He indicates that behaviour can be learned via social prompts, and values are learned through human modeling behaviour. Bandura’s theoretical structure describes how observational learning including direct pathway and socially meditated pathway that influence extensive behaviour changes. Bandura puts a lot of effort of developing social cognition study and has published many books and journal articles about this theory. This article links social cognition theory with the roles of electronic media and mass communication, gives us an in-depth understanding of how children change their behaviour based on the models of others. Media has strong impact in the learning of social roles and responsibilities. Cicconi, M. (2014). Vygotsky meets technology: A reinvention of collaboration in the early  childhood mathematics classroom. Early Childhood Education Journal, 42(1), 57-65.  doi:10.1007/s10643-013-0582-9 This journal article examines the implications of Vygotsky’s social learning theory in the early- childhood classroom. The findings suggest that the use of educational technology increases children’s confidence and willingness to share their knowledge, fostering communication and collaboration in learning mathematics. The author discusses the use of three web-based tools, Voke, VoiceThread, and Vodcasts, which engage children with great enthusiasm, and empowering them of all abilities. The research also indicates that children, who armed with instructional technology, the amount of interaction, collaboration and scaffolding are increased. As an educator, the author stresses that the practical instructional technology demonstrates positive impact in learning where children could collaborate effectively. Elliott-Hall, G. (2013). Learning together with iPads. Every Child, 19 (4), 22-23. In this article, Giulia Hall gives an overview of how iPads enrich the learning environment and enhance children’s learning. She states the importance of using iPads to support young children and meeting their learning needs. With iPads, the selection of learning activities is mainly focus on literacy and numeracy. In order to function it well, teacher should develop rules for children by following instructions while using iPads in class. Hall also describes the advantages of using iPads. They are: documenting children’s learning, keeping track on children’s learning progress, developing independence of individual learning and promoting interaction by grouping kids in pairs and using iPads as a positive reinforcer to reward for positive and on-task behaviour. In summary, Hall indicates that iPads helps provide more guidance and modeling in a small group setting, children’s experience with digital technologies enable them to interact, share ideas and create new things. Haddon, L. (2013). Mobile media and children. Mobile Media Communication, 1(1), 89-95.  doi:10.1177/2050157912459504 This article examines a range of research issues with regards to children and digital devices. They are 1.Children’s screen time. There is a growing trend that children spend more time in screen activities; 2. The need for establishing rules of children’s use of technology devices in different social spaces; 3. Challenges of handling the increment of technological options, in terms of age and social norms; 4. The impact on children’s cognitive development; 5. Problems that associate with parental involvement and the difficulties of monitoring, such as bedroom privacy; 6.The potential growth of new logistical challenges, including problems with picking children up in the car; 7. The possession of digital devices within peer groups. All these issues were discussed in various contexts with different cultural perspective towards children and adolescents. McCarthy, C. (2014). Should babies and toddlers use iPads? Harvard Health Publications.  Harvard Commentaries on Health. This article discusses the impact of traditional screen devices towards toddlers in terms of interaction and creativity. It also made contrast between traditional devices and iPads. The author stresses the ideal activity for toddlers is to involve active and exploratory play together with adult, displaying a sense of human touch. Toddlers sitting long time in front of a screen leads to problem with attention. Children imitating TV program with high level of violence can make them more aggressive. In comparison between iPads and traditional screen devices, the former has the quality of better than play toys, more interactive and at the same time tailor to children’s age and learning needs. The author advises that old fashioned play is better than an iPad for children’s development, the amount of time for children to play iPad should not exceed an hour a day. In addition, parents can refer to the reviews on the selected Apps and determine its level of suitability for thei r children and interact with them. Sigman, A. (2012). Time for a view on screen time. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(11),  935. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2012-302196 The author indicates that watching screen media is the main leisure of children in this computer age. Children nowadays spent high amount of time on all sorts of screen devices. It has become part of their lives. Undesirable information affects children’s cognitive development. Prolong usage of view screen media contributes to personal health risk, lacking physical activities. Children who watch television and consume food affect its duration of consumption, as it extends beyond the usual time of watching. Body fat mass increment is largely affected by continuous hours of TV watching. Depriving physical activities result in unfavorable health condition. Extensive computer games addiction causes subsequent attention problems and in childhood and even late adolescence stage. Children, who spent more time watching television or using computer exhibit higher level of psychological and emotional difficulties, Social skills diminish as more new technologies skills are acquired. A reduction in screen exposure significantly elevates improvement in child health and development. The impact of uncontrolled and unscreened media that are made available to the children is generally unhealthy life styles. Sherman, T. M. Kurshan, B. L. (2005). Constructing learning: Using technology to support teaching for understanding. Learning Leading with Technology, 32(5), 10-39. In this journal article Sheman and Kurshan advocates that online mass communication allows students and adults to work together from apart effectively solving specific problems under their umbrella of advance technology. It is a tool where students can utilize and maximize their learning capability even from home. Technology is considered as multiple platforms for social interactions. Through network learning platform, students and teachers could discuss questions in different locations, which enables students to express their thoughts as well as expanding their understanding. Technology-based activities not only develop students’ intelligence but also facilitating their collaboration of problem solving. Sherman and Kurshan conclude that through organised interaction, it becomes another form of social activities. Stein, M. T. (2011). The effects of media use in children. Journal Watch. Pediatrics Adolescent  Medicine, doi:10.1056/PA201112280000002 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) conducted a research on media exposure in early childhood, and its effect on children and adolescents in 2011. In the process of the survey, children under the age of 2 denote that 90% of children watch media, such as television and videos. At age 3, 30%of children have televisions in their room, which drastically affects their sleep pattern. Over exposure to TV affects their speech expression, a drop in their executive function and attention problems. Delayed sleep, obesity and fatigue results from over exposure of TV watching are unhealthy practices. Parental intervention, guidance and discussion with their children are necessary to handle their emotions and social behaviour. This article provides strong evidence of supported data in terms of the children’s behaviour in the presence of long duration media exposure. Suazo-Garcia, B., Attewell, P. A., Battle, J. (2003). Computers and young children: Social  benefit or social problem? Social Forces, 82(1), 277-296. doi:10.1353/sof.2003.0075 This research involves school-age children and examines the correlates of time spent at home with computers. It reviews the popular topic of whether computing promotes or reduces young children’s cognitive skills, well-being aspects and learning development. It indicates that computers rob away some normal experiences, such as outdoor activities and social interaction time with peers or other adults. Most children rely largely on playing computer games and stay away from pure educational programs and activities. It reflects on a decline in participating social networks and tends to be more of a loner. The research also reveals that computer integration should be implemented into classroom teaching as many school works are done via computer. Heavy usage of home computers for eight or more hours weekly is linked to less time on physical activities. Furthermore, long term sitting can cause vision problem and bad posture problem. This article highlights on the importance of reduci ng time spent on home computer. Wood, E., Specht, J., Willoughby, T., Mueller, J. (2008). Integrating computer technology in early childhood education environments: Issues raised by early childhood educators. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 54(2), 210. This study explores the issues faced by the educators with regard to the integration of technology in early childhood education environment. It addresses different perspectives of the children, parents and the educators through the survey responses. Educator pointed that computers is not age-appropriate for very young children, it limits their social interaction with peers and the engagement of social problem-solving. Through the group discussions, they revealed their concerns about the potential loss of traditional educational formats, such as hands-on learning experiences. However, they did acknowledge that computers are the useful learning tool for older children, as it allows children to share information and learn independently. This article discusses the role of computers and provides a better understanding to parents and early childhood educators. Conclusion: Technology is a double sided sword, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Its application depends largely on the integrity of the user. For instance, iPads are like cars and the iPad user are like the drivers. Many accidents are caused by reckless drivers, the problem lies in the mentality and the skills of the driver, rather than the function of the car. As our children are innocent, dependent and vulnerable, parental guidance and engagement is crucial at this junction. Constant monitoring and interaction with the children’s engagement with their iPad is of utmost importance. Parents and teachers involvement in constructive learning with the children, results in more closely monitored in their engaging activities. Establishing rules, controlled timing on iPads usage and careful selection of suitable Apps are the key settings towards healthy learning environment. It promotes their mental and social development in a positive way. We can simply say that a healthy apple is attained when the above mentioned criteria are met.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Political Campaign: The Crusade Against Asian Americans Essay -- Econo

As most developed nations around the world continue to be plunged into the economic crisis that began in 2008, any major country that continues to strive during the depression immediately becomes the attention of the citizens of affected countries. While major global powers began to suffer from a loss in international prominence, several foreign countries continued to experience economic growth. The countries that go through this growth—such as China—easily become despised by politicians and even became the targets of office candidates’ campaigns in the recent nation-wide elections. Although seemingly benevolent to the American public, the campaigns also indirectly create unfairness for the Asian Americans—Chinese in particular—who reside in the equality-based country. In this paper, I will show how political campaigns against China demonstrate sentiments and stereotypes against Asian Americans at work, and thus illuminate unfair treatments and ineq uality against Asian Americans. Before examining how the negative characteristics of political campaigns’ against China negative characteristics and how they harmfully promote inequality against Asian American citizens, it is important to first understand the nature of the advertisements as well as their origins. As with most political elections, candidates of the 2010 elections attempt to debunk their opponents’ credibility by the use of propaganda and advertising campaigns. However, as the United States continue to lose its former prominence in the global economic market, desperate politicians who wish to address the loss of jobs within the country and the economic decline did so by baselessly citing the outsourcing of jobs to other countries, mainly China, as a problem, and argue t... ...ment To Restrict Outsourcing To Asian Countries. Retrieved on November 28, 2010 from Thaindian News: Chen, D. W. (2010). China Emerges as a Scapegoat in Campaign Ads. Retrieved on November 25, 2010 from The New York Times: Kuo, K. (n.d.). Early Images of Asians in the U.S. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved on November 27, 2010 from the Arizona State University website: Sue, D. W., Bucceri, J., Lin, A. I., Nadal, K. L.,& Torino, G. C. (2007). Racial Microaggressions and the Asian American Experience. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 13(1), 72-81. Retrieved on November 27, 2010 from the Arizona State University website: Timmons, H. (2010). Outsourcing to India Draws Western Lawyers. Retrieved on November 25, 2010 from The New York Times:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

First Amendment

The First Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is our rights as citizens living in the United States of America. In this paper I will look at three provisions to the First Amendment, highlighting one case for each provision. Included are one case to discuss freedom of speech, one case to discuss separation of church and state and one case to discuss freedom of association. 1.)Discuss at least one Supreme Court case of significance related to three of the provisions of the First Amendment. Case number 1: Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971), this was a United States Supreme Court case dealing with freedom of speech. The United States Supreme Court overturned a disturbing the peace conviction by a man who exited a courthouse wearing a jacket decorated with profanity. On April 26, 1968, Paul Robert Cohen was 19 at the time of his arrest outside a Los Angeles courthouse wearing a jacket decorated with profanity. His jacket had the words â€Å"[email  protected]%k the Draft.† Cohen was arrested for maliciously and willfully disturbing the peace or quiet by any person or a neighborhood. a.)Why did this case have to be heard and interpreted by the Supreme Court? Paul Robert Cohen was found guilty of disturbing the peace at a Los Angeles Courthouse. Cohen’s lawyers appealed and the conviction stood its ground in the California Court of Appeal. The California Supreme Court denied review, the United States Supreme Court granted to review and argue the case. The Court’s decision was in favor of Paul Robert Cohen by a vote of 5-4 and overturned the appellate court’s ruling. According to Justice John Marshall Harlan II â€Å"the state may not, consistently with the First and Fourteenth Amendments, make the simple public of this single four-letter expletive a criminal offense.† (Cohen v. California, docket #: 299, 1971). b.)How do the Supreme Court decisions in each case continue to affect the rights of American Citizens today? Cohen v. California is a landmark case because this case removes from our government the right to censor speech and determine what actions of speech are appropriate for a civil society (Balter-Reitz, 2003). This case affects all of us today because it prevents local and federal government determine what is appropriate or over the line when we are expressing ourselves. 2.)Discuss at least one Supreme Court case of significance related to three of the provisions of the First Amendment. Case number 2: McCollum v. Board of Education, 333 U.S. 203 (1948), this was a United States Supreme Court case dealing with separation of church and state. This case was argued at the United States Supreme Court to the power of a state to use tax money to support public schools to provide religious instruction. Vashti McCollum an atheist objected to the religious classes being provided by the Champaign public school district. McCollum argued that the school district violated the First Amendment, the principle of separation of church and state. a.)Why did this case have to be heard and interpreted by the Supreme Court? McCollum v. Board of Education, 333 U.S. 203 (1948) was first decided in the circuit court of Champaign County in favor of the school district. McCollum then appealed to the Illinois Supreme Court that held the lower court’s ruling. McCollum finally appealed to the United States Supreme Court that agreed to hear her case. The Courts decision was in favor or Vashti McCollum by a vote of 8-1ruling that the religious classes was unconstitutional. Justice Hugo Black stated that â€Å"To hold that a state cannot consistently with the First and Fourteenth Amendments utilize its public school system to aid any or all religious faiths or sects in the dissemination of their doctrines† (McCollum v. Board of Education, 333 U.S. 203, 1948). b.)How do the Supreme Court decisions in each case continue to affect the rights of American Citizens today? This was a landmark case because it separated church from state. This case also provided a level platform for those who are attending a public school. In the McCollum case her son was being singled and made fun of by other students because he did not attend the religious classes. This case was beneficial for all of us today to attend a public school government funded and not have to attend religious classes against our will. As a result of this case school officials in Champaign Ill, decided to release the students one hour earlier known as â€Å"release time† to attend religious classes without supervision from teachers or school officials (Time Magazine, 1948) 3.)Discuss at least one Supreme Court case of significance related to three of the provisions of the First Amendment. Case number 3: Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640 (2000), this was a United States Supreme Court case dealing with freedom of association. James Dale an assistant scoutmaster for the Boy Scouts of America was expelled from scouting after the Boy Scouts of America read an article at a local newspaper that Dale indicated and quoted that he was gay. a.)Why did this case have to be heard and interpreted by the Supreme Court? Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640 (2000), was first decided at a New Jersey Supreme Court which forced the Boy Scouts of America to readmit assistant Scoutmaster James Dale after learning that he is gay. The United States Supreme Court overturned the New Jersey Supreme Court decision and decided that forcing the Boy Scouts of America to readmit James Dale violated the rights of the Boy Scouts of America, specifically the freedom of association. The Freedom of Association allows a private organization to determine which person can be included into the organization (Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640, 2000.) b.)How do the Supreme Court decisions in each case continue to affect the rights of American Citizens today? Affects of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the case of Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640, (2000) is difficult to measure. It only has been 10 years since the decision but today we are experiencing other cases similar to one above. Cases of the military’s â€Å"don’t ask don’t tell† policy has recently been on the news as well states allowing or opposing gay marriages. I predict that the above case will be serving as a foundation for future decisions regarding Americans rights to freedom of association especially if they are gay. 4.)Evaluate the rights and responsibilities that the constitution provides you as an American Citizen. In the examination of the cases above, the Constitution provides me an American Citizen a safety net to argue situations when I felt that my constitution is being violated. I can believe that I can appeal to a higher court and all the way to the United States Supreme Court to make a final decision. In conclusion, this was a great paper to write because as an American Citizen I have neglected to fully understand the right given to me as a citizen. This paper made me realize how much protection I have as a citizen. After examining the three United States Supreme Court cases I am glad that there is a higher court and whether the decision is pro or con, I can rest assure that a fair and just decision will be made. References,9171,804516,00.html

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Design and Construction Phases of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao

5.â€Å"The thing I personally look for is an architectural thought that stands a nice opportunity of lasting the planning system, clients demands, value technology and all the other hurdlings that it will face†Francis Golding Research an illustration of an architectural undertaking where you consider the thought has survived the hurdlings faced in its development. Explain some of the challenges faced during the design and building procedure. See the functions of the designer, the client and other members of the design and building squad in accomplishing this end, see whether other factors such as the budget and the type of procurance played a function in the success of the undertaking. The procedure when organizing a edifice is divided into two cardinal phases: The design stage and the building stage, which since the 1990’s have been tightly linked through contractual agreements. Depending on legion factors, such as budget and the type of procurance chosen, either side can be dramatically affected by the other. As a consequence the finished merchandise may non be to the satisfaction of the client, stakeholders or the companies involved. An illustration of a edifice in which both of these stages were completed successfully in every facet is the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, by Frank O. Gehry and Associates ( FOG/A ) . The Client and Advisers The Guggenheim was a really big graduated table undertaking which was commissioned in 1993 by Consorcio Museo Guggenheim ( CMG ) . This group comprised of the Basque authorities ( Regional ) and the Vizcaya Government ( Provincial ) . They were responsible for funding the undertaking, and the municipality of Bilbao ( Local Government ) donated the site ( REF ) The ground that the authorities proposed to construct an art gallery of such importance, with an iconic designer, was due to the fact that the metropolis of Bilbao was falling into diminution. There was an pressing demand to set building undertakings into action that would renew the country. ( REF ) Because a great trade of money was invested ( ?77m ) a big measure of people involved in both the design and building stages were working for the authorities. CMG put together a squad which oversaw the full procedure, which included:Legal ConsultantFinancial ControllerCommunicationss DirectorDesign Adviser( REF )Their function, as a foundation, was confer withing and doing certain the undertaking was run intoing their aims. They had â€Å"everyday decision-making power† as they were the client. ( Harvard ) Besides confer withing on with the design and building squads was the Solomon R. Guggenheim in New York. They needed someplace to house their unobserved art aggregation – they made a trade with CMG to lend it ( at a cost ) , and partnered with them to make an administration called the Guggenheim Foundation. This gave them entree to the trade name name, Guggenheim. ( Ref hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Engineers Besides involved in the undertaking were IDOM, employed as executive designers. ( ref ) They had huge cognition of big scale building. The structural applied scientists were Skidmore, Owings and Merrill ( SOM ) , who besides consulted in the undertaking and formed portion of the design squad. Procurement CMG established a clear set of demands for IDOM to run into:â€Å" The Executive Architect ( IDOM ) shall be responsible for run intoing the mark cost, with a fiscal punishment if it is exceeded.The museum shall open to the populace before the terminal of 1997.The museum shall be completed utilizing the highest quality edifice criterions.The Executive Architect shall maximize the usage of local employees and stuffs for building.The Executive Architect shall ease the Design Architect’s creativity.†( ref )To accomplish these marks, chiefly the clip restraint and rigorous budget, it would necessitate careful thought into how the edifice work would be procured. Another factor that had to be considered was that Gehry’s design was ambitious, and utilizing traditional procurance methods would non run into these ends, particularly as FOG/A’s architectural linguistic communication was â€Å"less and less derivative of current practice† ( Tombesi, 2002 ) and the fact that â€Å"80 % of the building systems and stuffs used in the Bilbao Guggenheim undertaking were wholly advanced in the edifice industry.† ( Harvard p5 ) The design had been efficaciously modelled on the package plan, Catia, antecedently used in the aerospace industry. This was another component that influenced the pick of procurance as it would significantly rush up both the design and the building phase. It would better design communicating between all the companies involved, as the theoretical account could be invariably updated to feed information to all contractors. ( REF ) â€Å"One of the cardinal factors in building was the monolithic usage of CAD engineering, something reasonably unusual in architecture. Without this engineering, the Bilbao Guggenheim would still be under building today† ( Harvard p16 ) FOG/A and IDOM decided on seamster doing the contract for the Guggenheim. They required contractors input early on in the design stage so that an effectual theoretical account could be created, that would be every bit near as possible to the architect’s vision, but could besides be constructed precisely like the theoretical account. This would overlap the design and the building processes, and would make more clip to acquire the museum built. However, Tombesi ( 2002 ) cites that due to the fact that it was an institutional and grand-scale public edifice, by jurisprudence they had to use one general contractor. IDOM had experience in big scale undertakings and their method of pull offing them was by dividing the contractual occupations. They managed to carry the public committees deputy in Bilbao that this was the best manner ( Harvard p3 ) FOG/A and IDOM divided the contractual occupations, and called them ‘paquetes’ :DestructionFoundationsStructureOutsidesInsides and InstallationsUrban InfrastructureFurniture, Fixtures and EquipmentAfter this they began ‘the petition for proposals’ phase. FOG/A prepared preliminary certification which outlined the rudimentss of the design and what was required for each of these paquetes, and sent these off to groups of contractors who could perchance execute these specializer occupations. The method of taking who to direct these to was a challenge for IDOM. â€Å"I was looking for contractors [ †¦ ] who were willing to larn how to construct the undertaking instead than being stiff in adhering to their usual methodologies.† ( Harvard ) The groups who were chosen were comparatively little as â€Å"no contractor in the universe had of all time built a undertaking like Bilbao Guggenheim.† ( Harvard ) In response the contractors would subject proposals with elaborate proficient information and how much they could make the undertaking for. ( Tombesi, 2002 ) The contract was named the ‘design-assist process’ ( Figure 1 ) . ( Tombesi, 2002 ) In the diagram, it explains the initial designs and preliminary certification formed by FOG/A and IDOM for a individual paquete. The following phase was to direct out these paperss to contractors ( bomber ) and so take which to use after they have submitted their proposals. In the diagram it shows that FOG/A reimbursed the contractors who were non chosen. After they chose the contractor they had a period of 90 yearss to develop the design with the whole of the design squad. If they fulfilled the contract by the terminal of this so they would be awarded their ‘lump sum’ . A job that IDOM had with these custom-made paquetes was specifically to make with the exterior design. Five companies met the specifications/requirements which IDOM needed to do the building of the complex outside possible ; These companies were sent command paperss and invited to subject proposals. Three of these companies responded, but all were over the set budget. The jurisprudence restricted IDOM from taking any of these proposals despite pricing, so a new petition for commands was issued. IDOM besides teamed up with the staying contractors to clear up design and pricing so that doing this command was possible. Two companies matched the mark cost this clip about and the determination was made, with the aid of CMG, to take Balzola ( a spot about the company? ) ( HARVARD ) The initial pick for the cladding stuff of the Guggenheim was hand-polished chromium steel steel, so the first command paperss were organised with this merchandise in head. However FOG/A were diffident that it was the appropriate stuff for the occupation, and were fighting to happen options that would execute good and look aesthetically delighting. Leaded Cu was an option but IDOM were dying that lead would be washed from the rain into the milieus. Therefore Ti became the perfect merchandise to replace the chromium steel steel. The lone exclusion was the disbursal, as it was non an low-cost stuff. Fortunately, big measures of it had merely been released onto the market at the right clip for it to be used on the Guggenheim, dramatically cut downing the monetary value. This made it low-cost plenty to suit into the mark cost. The Budget The budget or mark cost of the Guggenheim Bilbao was agreed with the client to be 14,028M Pestas, or ?77m in lbs. As a method of run intoing this end and commanding the money spent, IDOM established a system which tracked outgo at regular intervals. This was a elaborate cost estimation, calculated every six hebdomads so that the design squad could compare their advancement to it and entree their design determinations. If their programs exceeded this estimation, so steps would be taken to rapidly propose alternate ways of making the same thing. ( HARVARD ) An illustration of where the cost estimations helped forestall a serious escalation in disbursals was when SOM, the structural applied scientists, sent off to IDOM information on the structural capablenesss of the geometric volumes. A communicating mistake resulted in an underestimate of the weight of the steel frame, and this caused an addition in costs. However, because of the regular cost estimations, this addition was noticed rapidly and early on. This made it possible for the design squad to do a fast response, which involved changing the mark cost and a few facets of the design to maintain within the budget and on agenda. ( HARVARD ) Without this procedure set in topographic point, little inaccuracies would hold been much harder to descry and would hold perchance become much larger mistakes as the undertaking continued. Construction In the building stages, everything went swimmingly as the clear communicating of CAD drawings helped contractors and builders understand the design phase. Equally good as this, the imbrication of the design and building stages had sizably reduced the clip it took to finish the undertaking. However, during the concluding phases of building, timing became a challenge. The exhibitions needed at least six months to be fitted into the edifice, and could non be installed without protection from the exterior. The exterior and interior undertakings needed to be complete for this to be possible. IDOM and FOG/A responded to this job by overlapping the stages of the exterior and interior undertakings even further and the agendas of the contractors involved were reviewed and reorganised to maximize the sum of clip they had staying. ( Harvard ) for illustration, â€Å"Balzola was expected to temporarily cover unfinished countries to screen the interiors.† ( HARVARD ) This response allowed work to be completed with synergism. In decision, the Guggenheim Bilbao was an advanced undertaking at the clip it was built, an illustration of one of the first big graduated table edifices to include CAD in both stages. IDOM and FOG/A custom-made every measure of the design to accommodate its formation, such as the ‘request for packages’ procurance path, and this is what finally granted it the position of an iconic edifice. It â€Å"demonstrates a manner of interacting with trade specializers before the completion of contract paperss, and without interrupting competitory tendering.† ( Tombesi 2002 ) And this contributed to meeting:The clients demandsThe budgetThe deadlineAnd doing a high quality edificeBesides Gehry, as a consequence, had the design freedom to do his vision be constructed precisely as he saw it in his head. On the whole it demonstrates that the system defines the quality, clip and cost of the terminal consequence, every bit good as the input from people working as a squad contribut ing towards the same end. Although it was something no-one had of all time tried before, and some parts seemed like test and mistake, the edifice was successful in every facet. Every hurdle they faced was met by a strong squad of people.